About Sacred Vision and Sandra Lynne Page
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As a child I spent my time outside singing to the wind as she called to me, dancing to her many voices. The trees spoke to me, and the mountain spirit of the extinct volcano that I lived near to stood as a guardian, a wise and powerful spirit.  At the age of 11 I experienced abuse.  I became like a ghost, keeping secrets.  Add to this 20 years of violence and I was lost.

However, I carried within me the memory of that little girl, remembering how I would run across open meadows in the darkness never falling, and I trusted and I knew that if I could find her I would return to the magical world of my childhood.  And so it was that I began my search; singing, dancing, painting and looking for the connection to the sacred. 

Then one day, during a sweat lodge ceremony I was lifted out of my body and found myself at the edge of a great lake. A woman spoke to me saying "you have waited long, but you must go on.” In an ecstatic moment I was lifted higher still and found myself looking down at our planet. The higher I went the more ecstatic I became.  I looked down at my body and could see only light where my heart would be. I cannot put into words the joy that I was experiencing. I heard a voice that told me that this is the light of our soul that links us all to Great Spirit.  That this light lives within us all and I was to take this message back to earth and share it.

I returned to my body and found myself in an altered state for 3 days. I knew that I had glimpsed something so beautiful, I asked to find a way to visit this place again.  Soon after, I had a dream where I found myself on the top of a mountain, surrounded by green lush valleys with an overwhelming sense of coming home.  Several weeks later I opened a magazine and found a picture of my dream, high in the Andes, and an article that described this medicine path.  This is how I met Chris Waters in 2006, and began my journey with this medicine. I landed in Peru in 2014 visiting with that very same mountain!

I have worked in the field of substance misuse for ten years leading groups in finding their way back home.  I teach drawing and painting, studied neuro~linguistic programming and have led women’s groups, dancing, rediscovering the goddess within.

It is such a gift to be part of the teaching team for Spirit of the Inca medicine wheel training.  
I also give shamanic healing sessions by phone, Skype and in person.  I welcome any enquiries and am happy to share the wisdom of this path.

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